The Joan H. Schlich Memorial Scholarship


Coach Joan with HRCA Executive Director’s son (her student), January 2009


Coach Joan doing what she loves and receiving the “keys to the club” with husband Ernie, June 2015





HRCA works hard to ensure that our tuition and fees are among the lowest of educational and sports offerings while providing quality staff and programming.   Even with our low rates, we know that some may still find chess opportunities out of reach, so we offer limited financial assistance available for students with true financial need.   Assistance includes payment plans, scholarships, and waivers and is available to ALL individual students, regardless of age or school.   We strive to turn no child away for inability to pay.

Types of Assistance Available:

Payment plans –  If you need to split your tuition fees into smaller payments more frequently, we are happy to help!  Many times, payment plans are enough for families to manage the costs associated with tournaments, classes, and camps.  

Scholarships  – Donor-funded sponsorships may be available to help families pay for the regular cost of services. Scholarships are available exclusively to HRCA members who reside in Hampton Roads , and are intended to help HRCA members who have a true financial hardship that preclude them from participating in chess programs.   A $10 HRCA annual basic membership is required for scholarship eligibility.  For many of our classes and programs, this is included in your annual registration fee.    HRCA has awarded over $20,000 in scholarship funds in the past 5 years, completely sponsored by donations.

Fee waivers  – Awarded by HRCA itself to reduce the cost for some services for those in financial need who may not be eligible for scholarship or if there is a lack of other funding available.   These may be partial or full discounts, depending on need and situation.


We believe that a sense of ownership and pride is developed when recipients contribute to the cost of their chess programming.   In most cases, financial aid is not awarded directly to the participant.  HRCA will apply scholarship funds to balances due or pay vendors on behalf of participants when applicable. Our scholarship program is made possible by our donors, who also share in the vision that chess offers valuable life benefits.  For us to remain good stewards of these donations, we are responsible for ensuring the funds are allocated to those in financial need and are utilizing HRCA programs on a regular basis during their award period.  We believe that some contribution by participants/their family is important; it is unusual that 100% financial assistance is provided.   HRCA Executive Staff and Scholarship Committee will consider all requests to ensure awards are fair and reasonable.    Applications and scholarship status remain confidential between HRCA executive staff and the scholarship committee.   Our Coaches do not know which students are on scholarship.

If this applies to you, please complete our Financial Assistance Application HERE.


About our Scholarship Program —  

Joan H. Schlich was an icon in the chess community nation-wide.  An avid player, coach, director, and organizer, she made a positive mark on the lives of countless adult and youth players over decades.  Joan passed away in June 2017 at the age of 78, leaving a hole in the hearts of the Hampton Roads chess community.  HRCA established a memorial scholarship in her name, and is completely supported by donations.  With these funds, no player is turned away for inability to pay any chess-related fees.  This needs-based scholarship ensures that every player, regardless of means, can achieve success.  All members of HRCA are eligible to apply for a Schlich Scholarship.


The DEADLINE for first semester scholarship applications for HRCA core programs and homeschool chess club is August 18, 2024.  Contact us to be waitlisted for funds if they become available.


HRCA Scholarship Policy August 2021

The Schlich Scholarship can be used for the following expenses:

  •  Club membership fees (annual registration, dues)
  •  Online training accounts (,
  •  School chess program tuition
  •  Tournament entry fees
  •  Tournament travel expenses
  •  State and National federation membership fees
  •  Private coaching
  •  Chess equipment for home use (e.g. boards and sets, notation books)
  •  Any other goods or services necessary for a player’s development

If you would like to support the Joan H. Schlich Memorial Scholarship fund to ensure that no player is turned away for inability to pay, please click here to make your tax-deductible gift.